
Publication details

Out of the house and Into society- Gender training material
Author: CIRUM
Publication Date: October, 2015
Pages: 25
Keywords: Gender
This guide has been developed by Cultural Identity and Resources Use Management (CIRUM), a Vietnamese NGO working with forest and forest margin living ethnic minority peoples. All the steps detailed in this guide have been successfully trialled by us with the cooperation of some of our partner communities. The guide is available in Vietnamese and English, and should be used with two documentaries and other materials which are available on our website for download, as well as the facilitators’ own prepared materials.

These materials can be used as stand-alone gender analysis and gender baseline gathering or awareness raising materials, or they can be part of any project approach into a community. The documentaries and course guide can act as an important foundation for a project intervention: gathering information, opening deep discussion on important gender issues at village and community level, and offering solutions to the problems and barriers to empowerment discovered by the training in each particular community.
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